Friday, May 7, 2010

Wednesday May 5th

I must confess something. I like Mike DJ. Especially when he says things like "The member, I hope, is purposely choosing to ignore certain facts and is not ignorant of them." Speaking of which, I'm not the biggest fan of Kathy Corrigan. Mike DJ knows when to say he is wrong and he did. Does anyone watch The Wire? I suggest you do. They make very clear how easy it is for politicians to accept money without really recognizing where the money came from. And considering our dear Liberal party is known for their ineptitude, the NDP is on very shaky ground when they presume the Liberals keep close track of all the money they bring in. Sure, maybe the NDP know how to keep track of their campaign donations, but probably only because they bring in a lot less than the Liberals. Mike DJ then called out JennyK for being upset at not being able to pillory poor old Kash since he stepped down so very suddenly after being reappointed. And as for the NDP's constant references to the "4hours" that elapsed, these 4 hours were after 5pm. And I'm sure everyone had more important things to consider than how much effort it will require to reappoint a no-talent Hack to cabinet.

The ol' tainted election and investigation questions continued for the entire session. Just to show you how bored I am with the entire issue, I am not commenting. We all know politicians are corrupt. Their corruption doesn't even deserve airtime anymore.

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