Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tuesday May 4th

Had Robin Austin started his question by relating the education funding study published last week, his attempt at a question could have been somewhat useful. Instead, his accusation of the Liberal Government playing Russian Roulette with our children's education was just silly. We all know the Liberals are paying less than is needed, you just need to find a better way to go about this whole thing. Robin did however get in a few decent questions on the dubious nature of the special adviser who has been appointed. Kathy Corrigan made the same mistake as Robin.

Scary lady Michelle M then asked about childcare resources in schools. She could have had a useful question, re: government plans to make schools neighbourhood hubs, but her point got lost behind her general snarkiness. I won't even bother commenting on Harry Bain's turn. Same for Mr. Brar and his comment about needing Margie to open her ears. I'm sure the woman's ears are already open, my guess is because she has no brain residing in the middle.

Wow Jenny K actually made a stab at an answerable question. I don't dare listen to the video to check her tone.

Vicki H then asked about the whole online purchasing of eyeglasses debacle. This issue I must confess, I find to be an odd one b.c I always thought we were free to purchase what we wanted online? I just never trusted the online folks myself b.c my prescription has some serious prism in it and it is oh so very important that the prisms are ground just right. I had to laugh though at Kevin's response to the question, he was obviously talking about people who don't wear glasses when Vicki's question seemed to be tied to people who do. Nor do I understand the whole hoopla about "no prescriptions." I've been wearing glasses for 12 years now and I always go to the Eye Doctor every year or two as my eye strength continues to decrease. And each time I visit them, I come off with a copy of my new prescription. I thought this was common practice.

Vicki H made sure to stick it to Kevin with her use of MSP referrals for a number of serious eye diseases. To which I must say, these eye diseases are actually one of the I think 6 categories of diseases and health issues that the BC government claims themselves to be number 1 at treating. However, Kevin still came off as the winner in this exchange by mentioning that these regulations Vicki was harping on were designed for asymptomatic individuals. While we're at it, can someone please clarify the "science" behind the pupil dilation eye drops that some eye "doctors" still have the audacity to charge you extra for? These eye drops are not necessary!

Guy Gentner then started talking about that oil pipeline from Alberta and how there are plans to increase the amount of oil flowing from there out through the Vancouver Harbour. Guy just wanted to know if the liberals are prepared for an eventual oil disaster. Robbie tried to back Guy up on the issue, but Blair would have nothing of it. I'm inclined to think the Liberals avoid questions they have no answers for.

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