Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tuesday May 25

Questions Carole asked:
1)My question is to the Premier. The public has spoken. They've overwhelmingly rejected the HST and this government's betrayal. So will the Premier take this opportunity today, honour the will of the people and stop the HST before it comes in July 1?
A straightforward question for the Premier: if the Premier is too stubborn to stop the HST before July 1, will he commit today that if the initiative petition passes, he will finally, finally listen to the public and either call a referendum or bring in and pass legislation to stop the HST?
3) Again, my question is to the Premier. Will he stand up today, do the right thing and get rid of the HST?

Questions Carole should have asked:
1) Carole, don't ever talk about the "will of the people" b.c the Liberals will always trounce you on that one. Gordo did just that in his response. You gave him a perfect opportunity to talk about all the "wonderful" things the Liberals have done.

2) You should have followed up on Gordo's initial response and questioned his supposition of the supposed benefits from the additional 11.5 billion for business investments. I'm only taking a beginners macro-economics class right now and even I know that when one part of the aggregated expenditure function changes, it changes at the expense of another component. Furthermore, consumption is more important than investment in the short run!

As for your second question, it was reasonable. your prelude needed work though what with your comment about needing to be truthful? The only truth you supplied was that your understanding of economics is limited and Gordo already knew that.

3) How much of this "investment" will end up in Liberal friendly pockets?

Questions Bruce Ralston asked:
1) My question is to the Premier. If the initiative petition passes, will the Premier commit today to either call a referendum or place the bill before the House?
2) Will the Premier commit to either call a referendum or submit the bill to the Legislature — not to the committee, to the Legislature?

Excellent questions Bruce, no being a blowhard, just got right to the point! Could have called Gordo out on letter of the law versus spirit of the law though.....

The rest of QP was a bit of a waste.

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