Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday May 31

Good god Carole, just drop the questions on the HST. I've lost count of how many times you've tried to get the Liberals to admit they're idiots but they never do. Please at least prove that you're capable of learning and for the love of all things logical, please stop asking questions you know will never be answered. Attention all NDP: Carole needs a new message box!

Bruce then got up and attempted to open up with a zinger but he failed. We know the Liberals lie. Stop trying to prove what your already know. If you want to get Gordo on something, get him to check his stats on BC's economic "advancements." Like, granted Gordo has even deigned to show up in QP, but still I think you could at least try and call the man out on his stats. I don't think it would that hard to do.

Oh ho oh. Norm Macdonald then stood up and called three stikes on the Liberals. Oooo... You big and tough Norm. Gordo got you good though didn't he Norm? You being the forestry critic and all, should at least have your own stats to zing back about the lack of an influence of the HST on the forestry industry. Gordo has already killed the forestry industry after all. Ooo... Norm you tried to get him on that, but sorry your theatrics and big words kinda made your point disappear.

No nonsense Mike F then stood up to talk about the home builders association and the restaurant association. Again though too rhetorical. We all know government lies. They always have. Its always been why politicians are the least trusted profession. Silly questions you attempted after almost having a heart attack there Mike. Gordo is already telling the only truth he knows. No change will ever occur there. Wow. Gordo mentioned there are over one million low income people in BC. Isn't that like 1/4 of our population. Why don't we have questions about that.

Urg, now Lana steps up. She's so perky and cute. Why are you picking on me Mr. Premier. The Liberals have improved bicycling infrastructure in the province? Isn't that a local job? And of course they've done the most, if of course they've have. Bicycling instead of driving is a more recent thing. Lets see if Lana can call Gordo on not answering why the HST is being applied to Bikes and such? Hmmm... she failed by being unreasonable. He won't scrap the HST. But you could ask him to change the tax regulations for bikes and such? You've got to be reasonable there Miss Perky. Sorry, Mrs. Perky.

Rob Flemming then stood up to profess his care for the environment. Wonder if his hair care products are organic? True though that Gordo is as green as an oil slick. Rob had some points about the Chevron leak. Gordo's claim of environmentalism to cap and trade and the carbon tax are pretty useless. Robbie can you call him out on the shoddy science around the both of these? How perhaps big industrial users are exempt from having the pay the carbon tax? Oooo.... Robbie continued mud slinging, call Gordo "premier tarsands." Zing. Apparently our greenhouse gas emission went up last month. Robbie never really asked a straightforward question but he did make a good point in, if the Liberals can't deal with a small leak, how could we deal with a larger leak or spill in the ocean? Gordo was paying attention though and recounted how good old Mike DJ talked about all this stuff last week.

Shane Simpson then stood up and said "slash" a bunch of times. I wonder if someone slashed the back of his hair off? He asked a reasonable question though, asking how many people are involved in the Chevron Spill. Must have caught Barry P off guard though b.c he went straight to the attack. Did however mention that 45 people are employed to work on this issue. Never mentioned they've gone straight to the source though. Urg Shane, don't think Gordo has abandoned Leadership. He never had it. Politicians aren't gods, they can't keep track of everything you now. Ooo Snap, Barry got Shane for his failure to listen. Loved Ida's expression in the background.

John Horgan then stood up, asked if Gordo would tell the feds 'we no longer want to lift the moratorium." What follows is rehash rehash rehash from a few weeks ago. There was a good article in the TYEE this morning calling out our honourable member Blair L.

On another note, I don't really see the value of the petitions that are always presented after QP.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wednesday May 26

Questions Carole Asked:
1) My question is to the Minister of Energy, very straightforward: how much is the ad campaign costing British Columbians?
Again my question is to the minister, very straightforward: how can the B.C. Liberals justify spending taxpayer dollars on government advertising when they're cutting vital services for British Columbians?
3) Again my question is to the minister: how much of taxpayer dollars is this government spending on this ad campaign?

Tuesday May 25

Questions Carole asked:
1)My question is to the Premier. The public has spoken. They've overwhelmingly rejected the HST and this government's betrayal. So will the Premier take this opportunity today, honour the will of the people and stop the HST before it comes in July 1?
A straightforward question for the Premier: if the Premier is too stubborn to stop the HST before July 1, will he commit today that if the initiative petition passes, he will finally, finally listen to the public and either call a referendum or bring in and pass legislation to stop the HST?
3) Again, my question is to the Premier. Will he stand up today, do the right thing and get rid of the HST?

Questions Carole should have asked:
1) Carole, don't ever talk about the "will of the people" b.c the Liberals will always trounce you on that one. Gordo did just that in his response. You gave him a perfect opportunity to talk about all the "wonderful" things the Liberals have done.

2) You should have followed up on Gordo's initial response and questioned his supposition of the supposed benefits from the additional 11.5 billion for business investments. I'm only taking a beginners macro-economics class right now and even I know that when one part of the aggregated expenditure function changes, it changes at the expense of another component. Furthermore, consumption is more important than investment in the short run!

As for your second question, it was reasonable. your prelude needed work though what with your comment about needing to be truthful? The only truth you supplied was that your understanding of economics is limited and Gordo already knew that.

3) How much of this "investment" will end up in Liberal friendly pockets?

Questions Bruce Ralston asked:
1) My question is to the Premier. If the initiative petition passes, will the Premier commit today to either call a referendum or place the bill before the House?
2) Will the Premier commit to either call a referendum or submit the bill to the Legislature — not to the committee, to the Legislature?

Excellent questions Bruce, no being a blowhard, just got right to the point! Could have called Gordo out on letter of the law versus spirit of the law though.....

The rest of QP was a bit of a waste.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The NDP really ought to work on their use of pitiful case examples, the constituent examples, they like to raise in attempts to evince tears from the stone of the Liberal heart. Twice this past week when such examples were raised, the Liberals jumped right to discrediting the case that the NDP were attempting to make. Huzzah I say, Huzzah!

Little slow in the posting

I've been taking evening classes all month so that makes me a little slow in the posting. House did not sit last week though, so I am not too far behind. One thing I've noticed though, is that the Liberals definitely have a new strategy. Nearly every single one 'em in response to a question from the NDP, makes sure to heckle and hedge as they begin to talk. Or wait, maybe the NDP have a new strategy in that they are just asking really bad questions...............Hmmmm........ Wonder which one it might be?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Thursday May 6th

Urg, the KH questions continued yesterday. Spare us the hyperbole. Try and talk about something practical folks.

Wednesday May 5th

I must confess something. I like Mike DJ. Especially when he says things like "The member, I hope, is purposely choosing to ignore certain facts and is not ignorant of them." Speaking of which, I'm not the biggest fan of Kathy Corrigan. Mike DJ knows when to say he is wrong and he did. Does anyone watch The Wire? I suggest you do. They make very clear how easy it is for politicians to accept money without really recognizing where the money came from. And considering our dear Liberal party is known for their ineptitude, the NDP is on very shaky ground when they presume the Liberals keep close track of all the money they bring in. Sure, maybe the NDP know how to keep track of their campaign donations, but probably only because they bring in a lot less than the Liberals. Mike DJ then called out JennyK for being upset at not being able to pillory poor old Kash since he stepped down so very suddenly after being reappointed. And as for the NDP's constant references to the "4hours" that elapsed, these 4 hours were after 5pm. And I'm sure everyone had more important things to consider than how much effort it will require to reappoint a no-talent Hack to cabinet.

The ol' tainted election and investigation questions continued for the entire session. Just to show you how bored I am with the entire issue, I am not commenting. We all know politicians are corrupt. Their corruption doesn't even deserve airtime anymore.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tuesday May 4th

Had Robin Austin started his question by relating the education funding study published last week, his attempt at a question could have been somewhat useful. Instead, his accusation of the Liberal Government playing Russian Roulette with our children's education was just silly. We all know the Liberals are paying less than is needed, you just need to find a better way to go about this whole thing. Robin did however get in a few decent questions on the dubious nature of the special adviser who has been appointed. Kathy Corrigan made the same mistake as Robin.

Scary lady Michelle M then asked about childcare resources in schools. She could have had a useful question, re: government plans to make schools neighbourhood hubs, but her point got lost behind her general snarkiness. I won't even bother commenting on Harry Bain's turn. Same for Mr. Brar and his comment about needing Margie to open her ears. I'm sure the woman's ears are already open, my guess is because she has no brain residing in the middle.

Wow Jenny K actually made a stab at an answerable question. I don't dare listen to the video to check her tone.

Vicki H then asked about the whole online purchasing of eyeglasses debacle. This issue I must confess, I find to be an odd one b.c I always thought we were free to purchase what we wanted online? I just never trusted the online folks myself b.c my prescription has some serious prism in it and it is oh so very important that the prisms are ground just right. I had to laugh though at Kevin's response to the question, he was obviously talking about people who don't wear glasses when Vicki's question seemed to be tied to people who do. Nor do I understand the whole hoopla about "no prescriptions." I've been wearing glasses for 12 years now and I always go to the Eye Doctor every year or two as my eye strength continues to decrease. And each time I visit them, I come off with a copy of my new prescription. I thought this was common practice.

Vicki H made sure to stick it to Kevin with her use of MSP referrals for a number of serious eye diseases. To which I must say, these eye diseases are actually one of the I think 6 categories of diseases and health issues that the BC government claims themselves to be number 1 at treating. However, Kevin still came off as the winner in this exchange by mentioning that these regulations Vicki was harping on were designed for asymptomatic individuals. While we're at it, can someone please clarify the "science" behind the pupil dilation eye drops that some eye "doctors" still have the audacity to charge you extra for? These eye drops are not necessary!

Guy Gentner then started talking about that oil pipeline from Alberta and how there are plans to increase the amount of oil flowing from there out through the Vancouver Harbour. Guy just wanted to know if the liberals are prepared for an eventual oil disaster. Robbie tried to back Guy up on the issue, but Blair would have nothing of it. I'm inclined to think the Liberals avoid questions they have no answers for.

Monday May 3

There were a lot of questions on the issue of offshore drilling and tanker traffic. The Liberals got a few digs in by noting the 2 week delay on the NDP's questioning of the Liberals. Poor Blair Lekstrom probably had his briefing notes prepared for that long, and was just so happy to finally use them. I've decided though, that the Liberals really don't like John Horgan, the energy critic. They seem to show this dislike by always finding quotes by Johnny painting him in favour of an issue he states himself to be against. I've already mentioned the HST quote. Perhaps they dislike Johnny b.c they consider him to be a potential next leader of the NDP? Anyhoo, Johnny actually got some good questions in on Monday by starting off the festivities and also following up on Blair's responses.

Environment critic Robbie F then stood up to continue with the questions, I'm glad I mostly just read the transcripts b.c I find Robbie F's mock outrage and cool boy demeanor slightly irksome. I have to give him credit though for also forming his questions on the basis of Blair immediately previous response. Proves the boy can listen!

Shane Simpson then got up to try and nail the Liberals to the wall over their commitment to raising the moratorium on offshore drilling. His questions weren't as good though b.c Blair was more than happy to talk about the potential actuality of offshore drilling, he had no qualms over the governments intentions. Minus 1 point for Shaney Boy for asking useless questions.

As for Sue Fraser, she was more than a tad pretentious when she stood up to claim her lordship over riding of Alberni Pacific Rim. No offense Sue, actually no, please take offense, but I'm sure the Liberal Party is well aware of the glories of our island, they've probably taken a few deluxe retreats there.

Questions they should have asked:
1) What is your definition of environmentally sustainable? How can we hold you to this? Does it involve public consultation?

Gary then entered into a spirited exchange with Barry on the remains of the Queen of the North. Gary wanted to know why the fuel hasn't been removed yet, and Barry said that drilling (ahaha drilling) for the fuel wasn't a viable option b.c the Coast Guard ENGINEERS told him so. Gary was all upset due to the pollutants leaching out of the remains of the Queen of the North. Gary was the definite looser in this exchange because he failed to ask about alternate methods of removal. Same for Dougie D.

Leonard Krog then asked what appeared to be a totally redundant question. In a battle of he said he said, Mike DJ shut poor Leonard down. Funny that LK didn't get a follow up, guess it has something to do with some proviso of Erskine's. Dougie D also needs to work on his question forming lack of abilities.

Spencer then tried to hold Mike DJ to the wire by asking about a report that Mike DJ suggested Spencer has already looked at. So....... what was the point of this question Spence? Who ever is in power likes to help their friends. Period. Norm and Jenny also attempted some mock outrage.