Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Questionable Questions

I started studying Question Period last year because I wanted to see if maybe, just maybe, Question Period could become an effective use of time: an opportunity for substantive questions of political policy to be asked, and substantive political policy questions to be answered. In documenting what has been happening in QP over the past 20 years, I found that of 168 randomly chosen question and answer sequences, only 33 were actually answered. They were answered because a substantive question was asked, and a substantive question was answered.

I don't have time to post about today's QP, but I will offer you this wonderful line by Colin Hansen. I'm paraphrasing of course, but in response to a comment made by an NDP member, he exclaimed "these sort of statements really highlight how much exageration and hyperbole exist". If that is not the pot calling the kettle black, I'm not sure what is..........